ISL201 Islamic Studies Online Solved MCQ's Quizzes File 1

Abul - Qasim Al- Zahrawi is a
famous ______________.
Select correct option :
None of the given options

___________ means forbearance, fear
and abstinence .

_______________are integral parts of Islamic way of life.  
Select correct option:  

Taqwa (piety), sincerity and sacrifice 
Altruism and Fascism

Egoism and insensitivity

All of the given options

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 08:14:53 PM )  Total M - 1  
The second source of Islamic law is  
Select correct option:  

Ijmaa (Consensus) 
Qieas (Syllogism) 
Sunnah (Hadith) 

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 08:15:24 PM )  Total M - 1  
Farz (obligation) is a term of  
Select correct option:  

Jurisprudence ..........Not Confirm


Political science

Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Quran?
Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Quran?
Which Sura of Holy Quran is called the mother of Quran?
Sura Hamd
How many Sura start with Al-Hamdullelah?
Five _ Hamd, Inaam, Kahf, Saba & Fatr.
Which Sura has the same number of verses as the number of Sura of Holy Quran?
Taqveer, 114 verses.

In _______ Zakat was declared as an
obligation on Muslims .
Select correct option :
2 nd year of Hijrah
3 rd year of Hijrah
4 th year of Hijrah
5 th year of Hijrah

How many leaders of Makkah were
imprisoned in battle of Badar?
Select correct option :
Fifty seven

Madani Sura were revealed in how many years?
10 years.
Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali?
Sura Adiat.
Which sura every verse ends with letter 'Dal '?
Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahllelbayet ?
Sura Dahr.

According to a scholar “ Extreme of
knowledge is _________”.
Select correct option :

____________ is a condition of the
Select correct option :
Cleanliness of dress
Cleanliness of body
Cleanliness of ground
All of the given options

Belief in the life of the hereafter is
a ?
* Fundamental of islamic faith

Worship of Allah is the 2 nd fundament
of Islam what is the number of fast ?
* 3 rd

The longest surah in the Holy Quran is :
Surah Al- Falaq
Surah Al- Nass
Surah Al- Imran
Surah Al- Baqrah

As per Islamic teachings only
_________knows when the Day of
Judgment will happen ?
Hazrat Isa (A .S )
Hazrat Mehdi ( A. S)

The longest surah in the holy Quran is ?
* Surah Al- Baqrah

Human beings admirable effort of
talking is called
Select correct option :
All of the given options
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW ) was born in ?
* 570A . D

Allah alone is the creator of the world
is a main spirit of ... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ...
* Islamic

Surah ikhlas describes the concept of
.... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... . Compressedly ?
* Teheed

The holy prophet ( PBUH ) died in ?
* 12 A .H This answer is not confurmed

Semitic religions are :
Islam , Christianity , Judaism
Hinduism, Islam , Christianity
Judaism, Islam , Hinduism
Judaism, Christianity , Hinduism

Belief in the life of hereafter is a :
Fundamental of humanity
Fundamental of Islamic faith
Fundamental of modern civilisation
None of the given options

In which city the revelation of the Holy
Quran started?
None of the given options

What is the synonymous of “ faith ”?

How many stages are there in the Holy
Quran ?
Five stages
Seven stages
Eight stages
Eleven stages

The holy Quran aims to crate an ideal
society based on taqwa for the welfare
of the ?
* Entire Humanity

Which of the following surah describes
the concept of teheed compressedly ?
* Surah Al- Ikhlas

_________is the literal meaning of the
term “ Imaan” .
All of the given options

Obedience of Allah is related only with
the Obedience of
Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH )
Executive authority

How many Sura are in Holy Quran?
How many Verses are in Holy Quran?
How many Raque are in Holy Quran?
How many letters are in Holy Quran?
How many words are in Holy Quran?
How many parts of Holy Quran?
How many time Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem is repeated?
How many Sura start with Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem?
How many time the word 'Quran' is repeated in Holy Quran ? 70.
Which is the longest Sura of Holy Quran ?
Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy Quran?

Message of all Prophets of Allah is based upon __________ basic beliefs.
       ► One
       ► Two 
       ► Three
       ► Four

  Obedience of Allah is not possible without the obedience of ________:
       ► Quran
       ► Muhammad (PBUH)
       ► Hazrat Abraham
       ► Hazrat Jesus

  What is the first demand of sincerity?
       ► Believe in Faith (imaan) with worldly benefits
       ► Similarity in inner and outer self 
       ► Efficiency
       ► All of the given option

  What is the meaning of sincerity in Faith?
       ► Believe in Faith (imaan) with tongue and heart
       ► Believe in Faith (imaan) without worldly benefit
       ► Similarity in inner and outer self
       ► All of the given options

  In which surah Allah mentions about two angels who receive and record the deeds of mankind.
       ► At-Tur
       ► Qaf
       ► Al-Hadid
       ► An-Najam
  Name the place where the holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stayed for 14 days during the migration to Madina.
       ► Safa
       ► Tabook
       ► Khaibar
       ► Quba
  The address of Holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) given in Quba was one of his ___________addresses.
       ► Shortest
       ► Medium
       ► Longest
       ► All the given options

  When battle of Badar took place?
       ► 1A.H
       ►  2A.H
       ►  3A.H
       ►  4A.H

  Taqwa is the name of specific condition of 
       ► Ears
       ► Heart and soul  
       ► Eyes
       ► None of the given options
The best eatable thing mentioned in Holy Quran is?
Which is the shortest Sura of Holy Quran?
The longest verse of Holy Quran is in which Sura?
Al-Baqarah No.282
The most disliked thing by the God though Halal is?
Which letter is used for the most time in Holy Quran.?
Which letter is used for the lest time in Holy Quran?
Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Quran?
Night of Qadr.
Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Quran?
Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Quran?
Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Quran?
Which Sura of Holy Quran is called the mother of Quran?
Sura Hamd
How many Sura start with Al-Hamdullelah?
Five _ Hamd, Inaam, Kahf, Saba & Fatr.
Which Sura has the same number of verses as the number of Sura of Holy Quran?
Taqveer, 114 verses.
How many Sura's name is only one letter?
Three, Qaf, Sad & Noon.
How many sura are Makkahi and how many are Madni?
Macci 86, Madni 28.
Which sura is on the name of tribe of Holy Prophet?
Which sura is called the heart of Holy Quran?
In which sura the name of Allah is repeated five times?
Sura al-Haj.
Which sura are named Azaiam ?
Sajdah, Fusselat, Najum & Alaq.
Which sura is on the name of one Holy war ?
Sura Ahzaab.
Which sura is on the name of one metal ?
Sura Hadeed
33.Which sura does not starts with Bismellah ?
Sura Tauba.

Which sura is called ' Aroos-ul-Quran ?
Sura Rehman.
The name of how many sura are without Dot(nuqtay)? Hamd, Raad, Toor,Room, Masad.
In which sura Besmillah came twice? Sura Naml.
How many sura start with the Initials ( Mukette'at ) 29 Sura.
In which Sura the name of Allah is repeated in every verse ? Sura Mujadala.
Which Sura are called Muzetain?
Falk & Nas.
Which Sura start with word ' Tabara Kallazi' '
Mulk & Furkan
Which Sura was revealed twice ?
Sura Hamd.
Macci Sura were revealed in how many years ?
13 years
Madani Sura were revealed in how many years?
10 years.
Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali?
Sura Adiat.
Which sura every verse ends with letter 'Dal '?
Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahllelbayet ?
Sura Dahr.
Which sura every verse ends with letter ' Ra '
In which sura the creation of human being is mentioned?
Sura Hijr V-26.
In which sura the regulations for prisoner of war is mentioned?
Sura Nesa
Which sura is having the laws about marriage?
Sura Nesa.
51. In which sura the story of the worship of cow of Bani Esra'iel is mentioned?
Sura Taha.
In which sura the law of inheritance is mentioned?
Sura Nesa.

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 08:16:22 PM )  Total M - 1  
Which one is the basic element of society?  
Select correct option:  


Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 08:17:15 PM )  Total M - 1  
Human beings admirable effort of talking is called  
Select correct option:  

All of the given options 

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 08:17:34 PM )  Total M - 1  
Jaz’ia is a tax on  
Select correct option:  

Old citizens of Islamic state 
Young citizens of Islamic state 
Female citizens of Islamic state 
None Muslim citizens of Islamic state 


Pari Angel: Allah is alone the ___________ of the world.  
Select correct option:  

All of the given options 

 Muslims migrated to ________, due to the hardships and atrocities committed by disbelievers.  
Select correct option:  

Yam an 
In which sura the Hegira of Holy Prophet is mentioned?
Sura Infall.
In which Sura the 27 Attributes of God are mentioned ?
Sura Hadeed
Which word is the middle of the Quran?
Where in the Qur’an has Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
been named ‘Ahmed’?
Paara 28th, Surah Saff, Ayath 6th.
How many times has the name of Rasool-ullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) been mentioned in the Qur’an?
Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) – 4 times & Ahmed (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam)-1 time.
Name the Prophet whose name is mentioned and discussed most in the

Moosa (Alahis-Salaam)
Who named Holy prophet (PBUH) Muhammad
His Grand father
When did the Prophrt (PBUH) offered his first Eid prayer
2 A.H
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) took his first trade journey at the age of
What was the age of Prophet (PBUH) when his mother died?
Who gave the last bath to the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Hazrat Ali(RA)
The name of the son of Holy Prophet (PBUH) born to Hazrat Qabtia (RA) was
Hazrat Ibrahim (RA)
Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) has been recorded in the Holy Quran at
68 places.
Give the number of daughters of holy Prophet(PBUH)
In which yaer Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) announced the Nabuwwat
610 A.D

Which year is called the year of Hijrat
622 A.D
Which Prophet discovered Hajr e Aswad
Hazrat Ismail (A.S)
Who was thrown into the fire by Namrud Hazrat
Ibrahim (A.S)
When swas Zakat made an obligation for Muslims
2 A.H
Wine was declared Haram in
8th Hijra
How many languages could Hazrat Idrees (A.S) understand?
The first fruit tree to grow on earth was
Date palm
Who was the first to propose AZAN to call for prayers for the first time?
Hazrat Umar(R.A)
First heaven
Give the name of the first revealed book
Give the number of Ghazwas
Ushr is an Arabic word what does it mean
1/10 th
Who introduced the Hijra year
Hazrat Umar(R.A)
In which year A.H. usury was declared prohibited
9 A.H
When was the command for Tayummam revealed
4 A.H
Given the number of angels of the Hell
19 angels
When did the Prophet (PBUH) set out for conquest of Makkah
630 A.D
Give the number of the times the Holy Prophet(PBHU) performee Umrah
The person who first of all verified the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was
Varqa bin Naufal
The Eldest son of Holy Prophet(PBUH) was
Hazrat Qasim(R.A)
In which country that mountain is located on which the Noah's Ark stopped?
Which bird was sent by Hazrat Noah(A.S)
Give he length of Noah(AS) Ark
400 yard
How long Hazrat Ayub (AS) suffered from illness
18 years
He migrated first time for the sake of Allah
Hazrat Loot(AS)
HE was given the title of the " speaker of the Prophets"
Hazrat Shoaib(AS)
He wept too much over the destruction of his nation that he got blinded
Hazrat Shoaib(AS)
Which prophet had to commit a murder at the age of 30
Hazrat Musa(AS)
At the time of Bait ul Makdas destruction all the copies of Taurat were destroyed. He re assembled Taurat
Hazrat Uzair
Hazrat Sulaiman founded the famous following mosque
Al- Aqsa
He was a carpenter
Hazrat Zakria(AS)
Hazrat isa (As) was the cousin of
Hazrat Yahya (AS)
Atiq was the title of
Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
He founded the title of Ameer ul Mommineen for the first time
Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA)
Which Prophet would ride a donkey?
Hazrat Uzair (AS)
Who added the words (last line of Azan) into the fajr prayer
Hazrat Umar (RA)
It is the third source of Islamic Fiqa
He had ordered Hazrat Ali Hajvary to come to Lahore for preaching
Mueenud din Chishti
Hazrat Yousaf and Hzrat Yaqub (AS) met each other after a period of
40 years
He is called as Najeeb Ullah
Hazrat Dawood(AS)
The tragic incident of Karbala took place in Moharram
61 A.H
Which two of the Prophets prayed to God to become the Ummati of the Last prophet (PBUH)
Hazrat Isa (AS) and Hazrat Musa (AS)
How many times kalma Tayyaba is mentioned in the Holy Quran?
How many times the commandment for establishing prayer has been repeated in the Holy Quran?
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) offered his first Jumma prayer in the year
1 A.H
The following prayer is offered with bachside of hands upward
Wuzu for namaz has
4 Farz
The command for ablution is present in
Surah Al- Nisa
The permission for Tayummam was granted in
4 A.H
A mudarak is a prayerer who starts prayer with Imam. Who is a Musbuq
Who comes after one Rakat
NIsab for irrigated produce is
The following Caliph fought against those who refused to pay Zakat
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique(RA)
"Zakat is treasure of Islam" who said this
The Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The day of sacrifice during Hajj is called
Yum e Nehr
The number of duties during Hajj is
Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on 9th Zil Hajj
Maghrib and Isha
Tawaf of Wida or Ziarat is
Departing Tawaf
In which Sura of Quran Hajj has been commanded
Al- Imran
The first Hajj was performd by
Hazrat Adam(AS) and Hazrat Hawas (AS)
After the first revelation it took 6 months in the second Revelation
Al Mudassar is the 2nd revealed Surah. What is the 3rd one
Al Muzammil
He was the first writer of Wahi
Hazrat Khalid bin Saeed(RA)
Number of Ghazwwas described in the Quran
Who was the first commentator of the Quran?
Hazrat Abdulah ibn Abbas(RA)
The shortest verse of the Quran is
Which city of Italy is mentioned in the holy Quran?
The number of Surahs in last para
How many Siparas of the Holy Quran are starting with Bismillah
Which Surah is called called Surah Widah
Al Nasr
Fath Mobeen stands for
Sulah Hudaibiah

Who curses a thing which does not deserve it, the curse returns on  
Select correct option:  

His parents  
His own self 
His relatives  
None of the given options 

 Which one is the basic element of society?  
Select correct option:  


To develop Taqwa, which of the following condition must be fulfilled?  
Select correct option:  

Have riya in his actions 
Show off his wealth 
Follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) 
Do Jihad for the sake of the booty 

Specific act that nourish ALLAH’S love  
Select correct option:  


Pari Angel: Allah most High ordered the believers to refer all disputed matters to  
Select correct option:  

Allah and angels 
Allah and His Prophet 
Allah and executive authority 
Allah and saints 

 It is obligatory for Muslims to obey  
Select correct option:  

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)'

Executive authority 
All of the given options 

 The successors of the companions of the Prophet(PBUH) are known as  
Select correct option:  





 Zakat is a kind of  
Select correct option:  

Fiscal worship 

They are severe against disbelievers” is a very distinguished quality of the Muslims.  
Select correct option:  

Sahaba (Companions of the Holy Prophet)A.S 

Yom ul Furqan has been used for
Yom ul Badr
The following Spaceship placed the copy of the Holy Quran on the moon
Appolo 15
Shah Wali Ullah wrote the following commentary
Mawahb ur Rehman
He suggested Hazrat Usman(RA) after the Battle of Yamama to assemble the Muslims on one Qirt
Hazrat Hazeefa bin Aleeman(RA)
Mention the Surah in which Ghare Sor is mentioned
Al Tauba
He got verses written on the coins
Hazrat Abdul mAlik bin Marwa(RA)
How many Sura are in Holy Quran?
How many Verses are in Holy Quran?
How many Raque are in Holy Quran?
How many letters are in Holy Quran?
How many words are in Holy Quran?
How many parts of Holy Quran?
How many time Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem is repeated?
How many Sura start with Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem?
How many time the word 'Quran' is repeated in Holy Quran ? 70.
Which is the longest Sura of Holy Quran ?
Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy Quran?
The best eatable thing mentioned in Holy Quran is?
Which is the shortest Sura of Holy Quran?

Gathering on Arafat during Hajj Is
made on__________.
Select correct option :
13 th ZUL - HIJJAH
12 th ZUL - HIJJAH

Meaning of respect
Select correct option :
Fear and honor
Fear and appalling
Fear and awful
Fear and collective
The longest verse of Holy Quran is in which Sura?
Al-Baqarah No.282
The most disliked thing by the God though Halal is?
Which letter is used for the most time in Holy Quran.?
Which letter is used for the lest time in Holy Quran?
Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Quran?
Night of Qadr.
Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Quran?

How many Sura's name is only one letter?
Three, Qaf, Sad & Noon.
How many sura are Makkahi and how many are Madni?
Macci 86, Madni 28.
Which sura is on the name of tribe of Holy Prophet?
Which sura is called the heart of Holy Quran?
In which sura the name of Allah is repeated five times?
Sura al-Haj.
Which sura are named Azaiam ?
Sajdah, Fusselat, Najum & Alaq.
Which sura is on the name of one Holy war ?
Sura Ahzaab.
Which sura is on the name of one metal ?
Sura Hadeed
33.Which sura does not starts with Bismellah ?
Sura Tauba.
Which sura is called ' Aroos-ul-Quran ?
Sura Rehman.
The name of how many sura are without Dot(nuqtay)? Hamd, Raad, Toor,Room, Masad.
In which sura Besmillah came twice? Sura Naml.
How many sura start with the Initials ( Mukette'at ) 29 Sura.
In which Sura the name of Allah is repeated in every verse ? Sura Mujadala.
Which Sura are called Muzetain?
Falk & Nas.
Which Sura start with word ' Tabara Kallazi' '
Mulk & Furkan
Which Sura was revealed twice ?
Sura Hamd.

What do we call the Angels who write down what we do?
       ► Israfil
       ► Kiraman Katibin
       ► Mikail
       ► Izrail
Question No: 41    ( M - 1 )    .
 When first hospital built in Baghdad?
       ► 386 AC
       ► 546 AC
       ► 706 AC
       ► 756 AC
Question No: 42    ( M - 1 )    .
 What is Sihah Sitta?
       ► Collection of six books on Quran
       ► Collection of six authentic books of hadith
       ► Collection of four authentic books of comparative religions
       ► Collection of six authentic books of history
Macci Sura were revealed in how many years ?
13 years
Madani Sura were revealed in how many years?
10 years.
Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali?
Sura Adiat.
Which sura every verse ends with letter 'Dal '?
Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahllelbayet ?
Sura Dahr.
Which sura every verse ends with letter ' Ra '
In which sura the creation of human being is mentioned?
Sura Hijr V-26.

 The word tawheed comes from the word 
All the given options
       ► Wa-ha-da
       ► Wahe-dee
       ► Wa-ha-da-hoo
       ► All the given options

  How many times the wife of Hazrat Abraham run between the mountains in search of water?
       ► Five
       ► Seven
       ► Nine
       ► Eleven
  All the prophets from Hazrat Adam to Hazrat Jesus sent to _________ area.
       ► Specific
       ► Define 
       ► Particular
       ► All the given options

  Our worship is wholly for the fulfillment of
       ► Ethical destiny
       ► Worldly destiny
       ► Spiritual destiny
       ► Social destiny

  Salat,Zakat,Roza and Hajj are
       ► Basic pillars of Islam
       ► Foundations of state
       ► Orders of Sahabah
       ► Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W)

  The  Zakat levied on agriculture production is__________.
       ► Ushoor
       ► Ushr
       ► Ashroon
       ► None of the given options

  What two qualities of man are described in surah Al-shams verse no 8?
       ► Taqwa and obedience
       ► Taqwa and respect
       ► Taqwa
       ► Taqwa and disobedience

Question No: 24    ( M - 1 )    .
 Entire structure of religion ___________  on knowledge.
       ► Confidence

       ► Assurance
       ► Rely
       ► Pledge
Question No: 25    ( M - 1 )    .
 How many years Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in Makkah after receiving the Divine Call?
       ► Ten years

       ► Eleven years
       ► Twelve years
       ► Thirteen years
Question No: 26    ( M - 1 )    .
 Holy Prophet used to focus on
       ► Control of temperament
       ► Brotherhood
       ► Truthfulness
       ► All of the given options
Question No: 27    ( M - 1 )    .
 _________ had control over the air.
       ► Hazrat Abraham
       ► Hazrat Adam
       ► Hazrat Daood
       ► Hazrat Suleiman
Question No: 28    ( M - 1 )    .
 The  Zakat levied on agriculture production is__________.
       ► Ushoor
       ► Ushr
       ► Ashroon
       ► None of the given options
Question No: 29    ( M - 1 )    .
 _______name of the fourth kalimah.
       ► Kalimah tauheed
       ► Kalimah risalat
       ► Kalimah tamjeed
       ► Kalimah shahdat
Question No: 30    ( M - 1 )    .
  Holy prophet Muhamad (PBUH) said:
"He/She who believes in Allah, the Almighty and the Day of Judgment must communicate, be good, courteous and kind to his______________ ".
       ► Kith
       ► Kin
       ► Relatives of
       ► All the given option
Question No: 31    ( M - 1 )    .
 We need a cause of ___________ to develop a society.
       ► Frenzy
       ► Zeal
       ► Unity
       ► Obsession
Question No: 32    ( M - 1 )    .
 Which one is the basic factor of society?
       ► Area and assets
       ► Area and country
       ► Area and region
       ► Area and estate

In which sura the regulations for prisoner of war is mentioned?
Sura Nesa
Which sura is having the laws about marriage?
Sura Nesa.
51. In which sura the story of the worship of cow of Bani Esra'iel is mentioned?
Sura Taha.
In which sura the law of inheritance is mentioned?
Sura Nesa.
In which sura the Hegira of Holy Prophet is mentioned?
Sura Infall.
In which Sura the 27 Attributes of God are mentioned ?
Sura Hadeed
Which word is the middle of the Quran?
Where in the Qur’an has Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
been named ‘Ahmed’?
Paara 28th, Surah Saff, Ayath 6th.
How many times has the name of Rasool-ullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) been mentioned in the Qur’an?
Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) – 4 times & Ahmed (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam)-1 time.

Religion is a ________ matter in Non Islamic system.
       ► Social
       ► Civil
       ► Private
       ► Public
Question No: 34    ( M - 1 )    .
 ________  is a most comprehensive surah on Islamic social system.
       ► Al-Nasar
       ► Al-Asar
       ► Al-Qadar
       ► Al-Takasar
Question No: 35    ( M - 1 )    .
 Islamic social system creates sense of
       ► Humor
       ► Responsibility
       ► Violence
       ► Horror
Name the Prophet whose name is mentioned and discussed most in the

Moosa (Alahis-Salaam)

How many Sura are in Holy Quran?
How many Verses are in Holy Quran?
How many Raque are in Holy Quran?
How many letters are in Holy Quran?
How many words are in Holy Quran?

Which Sura has the same number of verses as the number of Sura of Holy Quran?
Taqveer, 114 verses.
How many Sura's name is only one letter?
Three, Qaf, Sad & Noon.
How many sura are Makkahi and how many are Madni?
Macci 86, Madni 28.

Which one is the basic factor of
society ?
Select correct option :
Area and region
Area and country
Area and estate
Area and assets

How many parts of Holy Quran?
How many time Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem is repeated?
How many Sura start with Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem?
How many time the word 'Quran' is repeated in Holy Quran ? 70.
Which is the longest Sura of Holy Quran ?
Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy Quran?
The best eatable thing mentioned in Holy Quran is?
Which is the shortest Sura of Holy Quran?
The longest verse of Holy Quran is in which Sura?
Al-Baqarah No.282
The most disliked thing by the God though Halal is?
Which letter is used for the most time in Holy Quran.?
Which letter is used for the lest time in Holy Quran?
Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Quran?
Night of Qadr.
Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Quran?
Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Quran?
Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Quran?
Which Sura of Holy Quran is called the mother of Quran?
Sura Hamd
How many Sura start with Al-Hamdullelah?
Five _ Hamd, Inaam, Kahf, Saba & Fatr.

Which sura is on the name of tribe of Holy Prophet?
Which sura is called the heart of Holy Quran?
In which sura the name of Allah is repeated five times?
Sura al-Haj.
Which sura are named Azaiam ?
Sajdah, Fusselat, Najum & Alaq.
Which sura is on the name of one Holy war ?
Sura Ahzaab.
Which sura is on the name of one metal ?
Sura Hadeed
33.Which sura does not starts with Bismellah ?
Sura Tauba.
Which sura is called ' Aroos-ul-Quran ?
Sura Rehman.
The name of how many sura are without Dot(nuqtay)? Hamd, Raad, Toor,Room, Masad.
In which sura Besmillah came twice? Sura Naml.
How many sura start with the Initials ( Mukette'at ) 29 Sura.
In which Sura the name of Allah is repeated in every verse ? Sura Mujadala.
Which Sura are called Muzetain?
Falk & Nas.
Which Sura start with word ' Tabara Kallazi' '
Mulk & Furkan
Which Sura was revealed twice ?
Sura Hamd.
Macci Sura were revealed in how many years ?
13 years

Which sura every verse ends with letter ' Ra '
In which sura the creation of human being is mentioned?
Sura Hijr V-26.
In which sura the regulations for prisoner of war is mentioned?
Sura Nesa
Which sura is having the laws about marriage?
Sura Nesa.
51. In which sura the story of the worship of cow of Bani Esra'iel is mentioned?
Sura Taha.
In which sura the law of inheritance is mentioned?
Sura Nesa.

Which one of the following is the sign for the day of the Judgment?  
Select correct option:  

The sun will rise from the East 
The sun will rise from the west 
The sun will rise from the North 
The sun will rise from the South 

 How many Muslims were martyred in the battle of Uhad?   
Select correct option:  





 The first revelation to Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showed thst how much Islam concerns for  
Select correct option:  





 It is one of the qualities of Mutteqeen is to
       ► Believe in the Abatement
       ► Believe in the Manifest
       ► Believe in the Abhor
       ► Believe in the unseen
Question No: 38    ( M - 1 )    .
 Name the mountains where Hazrat Abraham left his wife and son?
       ► Safa and Uhad
       ► Safa and Marwa
       ► Safa and Jabl-e-Noor
       ► Safa and Tour
Question No: 39    ( M - 1 )    .
 Which sin can nullify all other virtues?
       ► Ascribing partners with Allah
       ► Disobedience of parents
       ► Fleeing from Jihad
       ► All of the given options
Question No: 40    ( M - 1 )    .
 __________was the first person who confirmed the miracle of Ascension {Mi’raj}.
       ► Hazrat Abu-baker
       ► Hazrat Ommer
       ► Hazrat Usman
       ► Hazrat Ali
Question No: 41    ( M - 1 )    .
 Ikhlas in worship (ibadah) means to do worship
       ► For the pleasure of Allah
       ► For the gratification of Allah
       ► For the blessing of Allah
       ► All of the given options
Question No: 42    ( M - 1 )    .
 The address of Holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) given in Quba was one of his ___________addresses.
       ► Shortest

       ► Medium
       ► Longest
       ► All the given options
Question No: 43    ( M - 1 )    .
 What is the name of address of Holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) given in Quba?
       ► Khutba Taqwa

       ► Khutba Hajja-tul-weda
       ► Khutba Rasool
       ► None of the given option
In which sura the Hegira of Holy Prophet is mentioned?
Sura Infall.
In which Sura the 27 Attributes of God are mentioned ?
Sura Hadeed
Which word is the middle of the Quran?

  Allah most High ordered the believers to refer all disputed matters to
       ► Allah and angels
       ► Allah and His Prophet
       ► Allah and executive authority
       ► Allah and saints

  Ikhlaas and Lillahiyat denote that every good deed should be performed ________:
       ► For a good life
       ► For self satisfaction
       ► For the sake of Allah
       ► For worship

 _____________ used to write whatever Muhammad (PBUH) said.
       ► Hazrat Abduallah bin Abbas
       ► Hazrat Abduallah bin Umar bin Alaas
       ► Hazrat Abduallah bin Masood
       ► Hazrat Abduallah bin Zubair
Question No: 45    ( M - 1 )    .
 The Holy Prophet Muhamamd (PBUH) was born in __________
       ► 570 A.D
       ► 671 A.D
       ► 582 A.D
       ► 563 A.D
Question No: 46    ( M - 1 )    .
 ________ uses inner stress to act upon its teachings.
       ► Islam

       ► Christianity
       ► Buddhism
       ► Hinduism

Question No: 47    ( M - 1 )    .
 The term "sulosul-Quran" (one third of the Holy Quran) is applied to which surah?
       ► Al-Fateha
       ► Al-Kousar
       ► Al-Ikhlas
       ► Al-Qadar
Question No: 48    ( M - 1 )    .
 What does it mean to have faith in Allah?
       ► It means to believe in Allah
       ► It means to believe in His prophets
       ► All of the given options
       ► It means to believe in the Angles
Question No: 49    ( M - 1 )    .
 ______ Is the name to that portion of money or wealth which is given to the poor as per Allah’s command?
       ► Namaz
       ► Rroza
       ► Zakat
       ► Sales tax
  __________of the Holy prophet are the highest qualities of prophet hood.
       ► Patience
       ► Long suffering 
       ► Forgiveness
       ► All of the given options
  Condition of the prayer is 
       ► Cleanliness of dress
       ► Cleanliness of body
       ► Cleanliness of ground
       ► All of the given options

 Who faithfully observe their trusts and their covenants?

       ► Muslims
       ► Momineen
       ► Arabian
       ► Traders
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "When ________ is lost, then wait for the Hour (Doomsday)."
       ► Morality
       ► Sincerity
       ► Honesty
       ► All of the given options
Question No: 31    ( M - 1 )    .
 Islam's concept of honesty is __________.
       ► Narrow
       ► Constricted
       ► Wide and Universal
       ► Lean
Question No: 32    ( M - 1 )    .
 Who is called the mother of all mankind?
       ► Hazrat Fatima
       ► Hazrat Sara
       ► Hazrat Hawwa
       ► Hazrat Asia
Question No: 33    ( M - 1 )    .
 Who always keeps his words?
       ► Parents
       ► Priest
       ► Momineen
       ► Orphans
Question No: 34    ( M - 1 )    .
 Who was the son of Abu Jahl?
       ► Hozafa
       ► Abdullah
       ► Ikrama
       ► Omar
Question No: 35    ( M - 1 )    .
 Who was forgiven at the conquest of Makkah?
       ► Abu Jahal
       ► Abu Talib
       ► Abu Bakar
       ► Abu Sufyan
Question No: 36    ( M - 1 )    .
 What is the standard of excellence or superiority in Islam?
       ► Color
       ► Caste
       ► Gender
       ► Taqwa

Question No: 37    ( M - 1 )    .
 Who is the actual and authentic source of knowledge?
       ► Allah
       ► Prophets
       ► Angels
       ► Saints
Question No: 38    ( M - 1 )    .
 Who was the worst enemy of Islam earlier and then became a good friend?
       ► Abbas ibn Mutlib
       ► Sufwan ibn Umaiya
       ► Moasab ibn Umair
       ► Saad ibn Moaaz
Question No: 39    ( M - 1 )    .
 Who was the father of Sufwan ibn Umaiya?
       ► Umaiya ibn Kaldah
       ► Umaiya ibn Hanbal
       ► Umaiya ibn Harub 
       ► Umaiya ibn Khalf

Question No: 41    ( M - 1 )    .
 In which pledge all the human beings are involved?
       ► Treaty of Hodebia
       ► Madina pact
       ► Covenant of Alust
       ► Pledge of Ridwan
Question No: 42    ( M - 1 )    .
 When we should say “yarhamuk Allah”?
       ► Visiting the sick
       ► Attending funeral
       ► When one sneezes
       ► Accepting invitation
  Fasting  is called in Arabic _______.
       ► Sumer
       ► Sesame
       ► Sabat
       ► Soum
Where in the Qur’an has Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
been named ‘Ahmed’?
Paara 28th, Surah Saff, Ayath 6th.
How many times has the name of Rasool-ullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) been mentioned in the Qur’an?
Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) – 4 times & Ahmed (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam)-1 time.
Name the Prophet whose name is mentioned and discussed most in the

Moosa (Alahis-Salaam)

Which festival ends Ramadan?
       ► Eid-ul-Adha
       ► Eid-ul-Fitr
       ► Aashura
       ► Shab-i-Bara't

Question No: 20    ( M - 1 )    .
 Entire structure of religion ___________  on knowledge.
Question No: 21    ( M - 1 )    .
 Al-Razi is a famous______________.
Question No: 22    ( M - 1 )    .
 Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb is a famous book by __________.
Ibn Batuta        
Khalaf Abul-Qasim Al-Zahrawi        
Ibn Sina        
Question No: 23    ( M - 1 )    .
 According to a scholar “Extreme of knowledge makes a man_________”.
More submissive        

Question No: 24    ( M - 1 )    .
 Basic religious education of children is
Duty of the parents        
        All of the given options
Question No: 25    ( M - 1 )    .
 The permission of Non-Muslim parents for jihad is
Question No: 26    ( M - 1 )    .
 The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “May his _______ rubbed in dust, (He said this thrice), who found his parents, one or both, approaching old age, but did not enter Paradise."
Question No: 27    ( M - 1 )    .
 Brotherhood means
Good behavior        
        Good morals
        Excellent character
All of the given options        
Question No: 28    ( M - 1 )    .
 All things of a Muslim are inviolable for his brother in faith, including his
All of the given options        
  The aim of seeking knowledge should be:
       ► The welfare of mankind
       ► Ruin of mankind 
       ► Earning wealth
       ► None of the given options

  The major aim of all Ibadaat is to create
       ► Wealth
       ► Property
       ► Repentence
       ► Allah's fear in hearts
  When will be the day of Judgment 
       ► Allah and prophet know
       ► All of the given options
       ► Prophet knows
       ► Only Allah knows

  Specific act that nourish ALLAH’S love 
       ► Waste 
       ► Oppression 
       ► Betrayal 
       ► Taqwa
Which angel was charged with bringing the Quranic revelations to the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
       ► Michael
       ► Azraeel
       ► Israfeel
       ► Gabriel
Question No: 12    ( M - 1 )    .
 __________was the first person who confirmed the miracle of Ascension {Mi’raj}.
       ► Hazrat Abu-baker
       ► Hazrat Ommer
       ► Hazrat Usman
       ► Hazrat Ali

Question No: 13    ( M - 1 )    .
 It is one of the qualities of Mutteqeen is to
       ► Believe in the Abatement
       ► Believe in the Manifest
       ► Believe in the Abhor
       ► Believe in the unseen
Question No: 14    ( M - 1 )    .
 Which one is the most appropriate element of society________?
       ► Houses
       ► Family
       ► Children
       ► Relatives
Question No: 15    ( M - 1 )    .
 Which one is the basic factor of society?
       ► Area and country
       ► Area and region
       ► Area and estate
       ► Area and assets
Question No: 16    ( M - 1 )    .
 How many factors are required for society?
       ► 3
       ► 5
       ► 7
       ► 10
Question No: 17    ( M - 1 )    .
 Allah ta’ala loves those who
       ► Do good deeds
       ► Forgive others
       ► Obey parents
       ► All of the given options
Question No: 18    ( M - 1 )    .
 Non-Muslim citizens of Islamic state are called

Question No: 19    ( M - 1 )    .
 The companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) acquired  knowledge by _________in the times of the Prophet and the immediate years after His death.
Oral conversation and items        
Oral conversation and Observation        
Oral conversation and objects        
Oral conversation and substance        
  Which one is the first pillar of faith
       ► Oneness of Allah 
       ► Prophets
       ► Angles 
       ► Day of Judgment

Question No: 1    ( M - 1 )    .
 Allah most High ordered the believers to refer all disputed matters to
       ► Allah and angels
       ► Allah and His Prophet
       ► Allah and executive authority
       ► Allah and saints
Question No: 2    ( M - 1 )    .
 “Ethics is the name of that condition of human nature for which a man very easily and conveniently does any action” it was the saying of
       ► Allama iqbal
       ► Imam Ghazali
       ► Sir Seyed Ahmad khan
       ► Liaqat Ali Khan
Question No: 3    ( M - 1 )    .
 Which is the major miracle of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
       ► Splitting of moon
       ► None of the given options
       ► Ascension (Miraj)
       ► Holy Quran (Corrected by Fuad)

Question No: 4    ( M - 1 )    .
 Due to the quality of Taqwa one’s not only compromise with virtues but also try to ……… it.
       ► Neglect
       ► Seek
       ► Demolish
       ► All the given options
Question No: 5    ( M - 1 )    .
 Which word is used in surah Al-Lail as the antonym of Taqwa?
       ► Badness
       ► Wickedness
       ► Evilness
       ► Carelessness
Question No: 6    ( M - 1 )    .
 Soul of Fast (roza) is to avoid from
       ► Eating
       ► Drinking
       ► Backbiting and quarreling
       ► None of the given options
Question No: 7    ( M - 1 )    .
 The main purpose of the creation of human beings is to
       ► Worship of Allah (Corrected by Fuad)
       ► Worship of prophets
       ► Follow the Sunnah
       ► Follow the prophets
Question No: 8    ( M - 1 )    .
 Kuniyyat (family name) of our beloved prophet is
        Abul Qasim
       ► Abul Aamir
       ► Abul Abdullah
       ► Abul Toraab

Question No: 9    ( M - 1 )    .
 The year in which the Holy Prophet died is:
       ► 530 A.D
       ► 641 A.D
       ► 632 A.D
       ► 653 A.D
Question No: 10    ( M - 1 )    .
 How many aspects of Truthfulness?
       ► One
       ► Two
       ► Three
       ► Four

  Which word is used in surah Al-Lail as the antonym of Taqwa?
       ► Badness
       ► Wickedness
       ► Evilness
       ► Carelessness

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